MySQL Administrator - DB Backup/Restore
Backup Procedure
1) Open MySQL Administrator on the server and select the appropriate logon details
- Server Host: localhost
- Username: root
- Password: root
2) Select "Backup" from the panel on the left
3) Click on "New Project" and from the "Schemata" select "Actus4", then click on the ">" to view the DB Contents for Backup
4) By Default, keep all "Data directory" contents selected, then Click on "Execute Backup Now" button, select a name for the Backup file and click "Save"
Restore Procedure
1) Open MySQL Administrator on the server and select the appropriate logon details
- Server Host: localhost
- Username: root
- Password: root
2a) Select "Catalogs" from the panel on the left, from the "Schemata" list
2b) Select "Actus4" and Right-Click it and press "Drop Schema"
2c) When asked to confirm, press "OK", then when asked to remove privileges, press "No"
3) Select "Restore" from the panel on the left
4) Click on "Open Backup File" and select the Backup file you saved previously, and the DB will be restored.