ActTS - Channel Configuration

ActTS - Channel Configuration

ActTS tool allows the system to Capture Transport Stream (.ts) sources directly without encoding involved, preserving all the source quality and information.
In order to do this, we need to edit two configuration files:
  1. ActControl.cfg - This will handle the ActTS tool loading
  2. ActTSSettings.xml - This file will configure the source needed for ActTS to capture
Note: Adding of TS sources to the DB is done by Actus Support only with license requirement!


  1. ;******************************************************************************************************
  2. ;**                             M A I N    S E R V I C E S                                           **
  3. ;******************************************************************************************************
  4. always::ActStartup
  5. always::ActExport
  6. always,restart-by-time-change::ActCleanup
  7. always::ActMonitor
  8. always::ActService
  9. always::ActServerMonitoring d:\media

  10. ;always::ActHotFolder
  11. ;always::ActDekTecUtil.exe -device=2138 -mode=dvbt -pcibus=136 -slot=1 -frequency=506 -ipstream= -con=2 -port=1
  12. ;always::ActCopyChunks d:\media\record  \\server\media\record
  13. ;always::ActTs -name=TS1

In the ActControl configuration file, you will find the line: ;always::ActTS -name=TS1
This line will tell the ActTS tool to load the specific configuration from the XML regarding the channel named: TS1

TS1 is a default name, actual name is represented by the DB configuration, in most cases it will appear as: tsXXyy
  1. XX = Server Number
  2. yy = Channel Number
This naming convention helps track down faulty channels easily across multiple servers.
When needing to add an additional TS recorder, make sure you remove the semicolon and the "name" matches the XML configuration


  1. <ActTSSettings>

  2.   <TS name="TS1"
  3. input =""
  4. interface=""
  5. srcmcastaddr=""
  6. rtp ="false"
  7. >
  8. <TSRecord
  9. mediaroot ="d:\media\ts"
  10. keeptsfiles="true"
  11. issuealerts="false">
  12.   <PIDFiltering enable="false" keepknownpid="true" removenullpackets="true">
  13. <include pmt="2900"/>
  14.   </PIDFiltering>
  15. </TSRecord>
  17.     <EPG enable="false" use_local_time="true">
  18. <lang name="eng"/>
  19. <lang name="chi"/>
  20. <channel name="Home" lang="chi, eng"/>
  21.     </EPG>
  22.   </TS>

  23. </ActTSSettings>

In order to configure the TS, you must configure the XML with the following information:
  1. name = this will be the name used for ActTS in the ActControl.cfg
  2. input = the source multicast address and port
  3. interface = on which network source the TS is broadcasted on
  4. srcmcastaddr = this is usually empty, only needed for GMPv3 protocol
  5. rtp = specify if the source is RTP, if it is UDP, then this is set to false
Note: the TSRecord structure of the XML is not to be touched

Electronic Program Guide (EPG)

Some TS's integrate EPG information, this can be configured to be automatically uploaded to the UI
These are the available options required for EPG uploading to work:

  1. enable = false/true, if set to false, this section is ignored (false is default)
  2. use_local_time = false/true, if set to false, the time is taken from the TS, otherwise uses local server time
  3. lang name = here we configure the languages needed for the guide, multiple language options available and must match the source language
  4. channel name = The channel name must both match the source TS name of the channel and the DB must contain an identical (proxy) channel
  5. channel lang = Specify the source EPG language used, if needed then can set multiple languages

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