ActTS - Automatic Uploading of EPG/Guide

ActTS - Automatic Uploading of EPG/Guide

Step 1: SystemConfig - Creating the TS
Go to the C:\Actus\Bin folder and run the SystemConfig tool
If your system has an active license of Transport Stream, then you will have that section appearing in the left panel
SystemConfig - TS Configuration
Under the Transport Stream menu, you will have option ** new ** that you will need to select
There you will need to input the Display Name (name that will appear in the UI when using TSAnalysis)
Configure the Multicast Address and Local address, click Test to verify the stream is working
Enable "Record As-is" and then click the Save (or Update) button at the top.

Step 2: VLC - Verifying Source Channel Name
Open VideoLAN Player for the selected Multicast that was configured in SystemConfig
Click on the Tools menu and select Program Guide

VLC - Program Guide
If there is EPG in the stream, then you will see the Channel name on the Left and the EPG in the line next to it on the right
The channel name as it's listed "La 1 HD" must be copied exactly as-is for Step 3

Step 3: ActTSSettings - Configuring the EPG Channels
Open the ActTSSettings.xml (located in C:\Actus\Bin) using Notepad++
    <EPG enable="true" use_local_time="true">
<lang name="eng"/>
<lang name="dut"/>
<lang name="fin"/>
<channel name="SourceChannelName" lang="chi, eng" display_name="ActusChannelDisplayName"/>
  1. EPG enable = Select either True or False for Enabling/Disabling the TS EPG upload
  2. use_local_time = Select either True or False for Uploading EPG based on local time
  3. <lang name="xxx"/> = Select the language of the EPG, you can use VLC Program Guide to check what languages exist
  4. <channel name="xxxxx"> = To upload an EPG, the Channel in DB must be identical to the channel in the TS itself. Add all the Channels one after the other.
  5. <lang ="xxx"/> = Write which languages to support in the EPG, based on the information used from VLC previously.
  6. display_name="ActusChannelDisplayName" = Replace this with the exact name this channel as it appears on the UI
Note: If the TS Channel name has special characters (eg: $, %, &...) then add amp; after the special character, eg: "Yle Teema &amp; Fem HD"

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